sexta-feira, fevereiro 22, 2008

Obama é uma das "bolhas que sempre rebentam"?

A respeito de Obama,
as vozes das posições extremas abundam.
Desde a situada no campo conservador
que acham que a força actual de Obama não passa de uma "bolha" conjuntural,
semelhante a algumas "bolhas" de campanhas democráticas anteriores e que,
portanto, tem por dias a sua vida efémera,

O outro extremismo vem do campo democrata.
São vozes que começam a clamar que
os Clinton têm de se curvar à força imparável de Obama
e juntar a ele e a favor dele,
os seus vastos recursos de campanha.

Parece razoável pensar que
só os meses de Março e Abril ditarão a sua sentença de primeira instância.
Mesmo, assim, e em determinadas circuntâncias,
passível de recurso para o Congresso dos Democratas.

bubbles always burst, and Obama has been riding a major league bubble
for months now. Before too much longer his supporters are going to come
down to earth. Reporters will start wondering why Obama doesn’t like to
talk to them very much - and then they’ll get bored and cynical
and start doing to him what they did to Howard Dean in 2004. John
McCain is going to find his rhythm (though he hasn’t yet) and start
making some effective jabs.The Washington Monthly

The Washington Monthly

NPR: Obama Camp Says Idea of "Tie" is Ridiculous

tring of losses were happening to Senator Obama, whom I support, and not Senator Clinton, I would encourage him to step aside and get behind the Democratic nominee.

Since it’s the other way around, I kindly urge both Senator Clinton and ex-President Clinton to use their formidable talents and resources to help Senator Obama become the next President of the United States.

The Democratic Party cannot afford to drag this out much longer. The tea leaves have been read, the writing is on the wall, etc., etc. It’s time to turn the page and get ready for John McCain.

Sent by Kelley | 11:47 AM ET | 02-20-2008

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